Friday, October 23, 2009

Robbers take nude pics of victim and feed him drugs

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CRIMINALS are using a new tactic to rob their victims — by stripping them, taking their nude photos and forcing hallucinogens on them before fleeing, Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported.

Highlighting the new tactic, the dailies said that by the time the victims woke up some 10 hours later, the robbers would have already used their credit cards and withdrawn money from their bank accounts.

The dailies reported that in the latest case, three robbers broke into the bedroom of a 40-year-old telecommunications company em-ployee in Petaling Jaya and woke him up before covering his face with a cloth.

They then tied his hands with a telephone wire, stripped his pyjamas off and took pictures of him in the nude with their mobile phones.

They even threatened to put the nude photos on the Internet should he report the robbery to the police.

They forced the victim to reveal his ATM card pin number and made him drink a liquid which put him to sleep before they left.

When the victim woke up the next day, he immediately called up the bank to cancel his credit and ATM cards, only to find that the robbers had withdrawn a total of RM15,000 from his accounts.

> China Press reported that a vice syndicate in Penang has become IT savvy by offering free MMS to their frequent customers on “new girls in town”.

The syndicate would snap close-up pictures of newly-arrived young Chinese women before sending the photos through MMS to regular customers.

The syndicate would also inform the customers through SMS about the girls’ ‘working hours’ and the contact person if they were interested.

Customers were also informed that if they took the girls to hotel rooms, they could not be charged in court if caught as long as they claimed that the girls were their girlfriends.

A special discounted rate is given if the prostitutes insist customers use condoms during oral sex.

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