Tuesday, October 20, 2009

MPKj nod for road project

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A ROAD project proposed to ease the 20-year traffic congestion in Semenyih, Selangor, has been given the nod by the Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj) infrastructure committee.

The RM14mil project involves the upgrading of the present Jalan Semenyih from the Broga traffic lights, the construction of a bridge over Sungai Semenyih and the acquisition of two parcels of land.

Different alignment: Gan pointing to the area beyond Sungai Semenyih where the road will be built under the proposed road project. With him are Lee (right) and Chandramohan.

MPKj councillor and infrastructure committee member Lee Kee Hiong said the project would effectively reduce the daily crawl on Jalan Semenyih and offer relief to residents as well as road users who had been raising the issue for years.

“Vehicles from Broga, Beranang and Seremban will be able to bypass Jalan Semenyih by heading into Semenyih Sentral and re-joining Jalan Semenyih after the congested stretch, saving motorists valuable travel time, especially during peak periods,” she told the media.

“The idea of the bypass was conceived years ago but the plans were shelved due to unknown reasons. The new project is actually a re-alignment of the road previously proposed,” she said.

Councillor S.T. Chandramohan said the Public Works Department (PWD) had voiced safety concerns over the proposed designs for the old road after carrying out a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA).

Semenyih resident Gan Boon Chong said remnants of the old road, built up to the bank of Sungai Semenyih, were still visible. He also said the proposed project would help boost Semenyih Sentral as the new town centre for Semenyih.

A paper on the proposed project is being prepared and will be submitted to the Selangor Economic Action Council (MTES) for consideration and approval.

Lee said the MPKj was also calculating a formula for obtaining partial funding from 28 large and small developers in and around Semenyih to help finance the project.

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