Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fishermen want to hire foreigners

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KUALA LUMPUR: Selangor off-shore fishermen are appealing to the Government to allow them to employ foreign workers as there is a shortage of labour.

Sungai Besar Hai San Fishermen Association president Kee Oi Sing said most Zone B fishermen (dragnet boat operators who operate within five to twelve nautical miles from the shore) who fish off the coast of Selangor and other states were illegally hiring foreign help because they are not allowed to do so so legally.

He said operators who operated in Zone A which was within five nautical miles from the shore, and Zone C which was beyond 12 nautical miles from the shore were allowed to hire foreign workers.

“If they can hire foreign workers, why can’t we?” he asked at a press conference at Wisma MCA here yesterday.

He had earlier sought the help of MCA Public Complaints and Services Bureau head Datuk Michael Chong to solve the problem.

“Many foreign workers are arrested because they do not have proper documents.

“But we have to employ them to make a living,” said Kee, adding many fishermen were servicing bank loans for their boats which could cost up to RM800,000.

Kee said they have been asking the government to allow them to hire foreign workers but nothing has happened.

He said young Malaysians were not interested and were unwilling to do the work as it involves hard work and spending days at the sea exposed to the weather as well as facing the danger posed by pirates.

Meanwhile, Chong said he would help the fishermen by approaching the Agriculture, Human Resources and Home ministries.

“This problem affects the whole country. Over 20% of the fish produced in the country comes from the fishing villages around Se-langor,” Chong added.

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