Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Song causes a buzz

What say you on the issue below?

KUALA LUMPUR: Two days ago, media companies received an intriguing package containing a CD with a song entitled Through My Window, a website URL everyoneconnects.net and a cryptic message “open for collaborations”.

The catchy song was heard on major radio stations yesterday and DJs began talking about it. Almost everyone wanted to know more about the song and the singers behind it.

As expected, the wave hit microblogging service Twitter. ‘Twitterville’ is abuzz with DJs tweeting about the song and followers re-tweeting, discussing and adding their comments. The tweets range from what they felt about the song to what everyoneconnects.net might be.

Intriguing package: While some think it may be a marketing ploy to promote a new band, others believe it to be a new social movement because of the website’s name.

Some radio listeners who called in thought it may be a marketing ploy to promote a new band. Others believe it to be a new social movement because of the website’s name. And according to a trusted source via Facebook, “Through My Window could be a part of something bigger”.

Several callers asked about the artistes in the song because there is no indication that they are local or foreign singers. A few radio stations and blogs have launched a hunt for more clues and the public is welcome to give opinions.

Media Prima Radio Networks COO Seelan Paul said in a telephone conversation: “I wouldn’t be surprised if local acts are behind it because there is so much talent in the Malaysian music scene.”

As a result of all the attention given to the song, its website registered 3,988 hits as of 11pm yesterday. Enquiries were made but no clues are emerging.

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