Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lantern festival to have Indian and Malay elements

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TO FULLY embrace the 1Malaysia concept, Chinese lanterns and pelita (oil lamps) will be paraded at the Malam Mesra Raya Tanglung.

Women in traditional Indian attire will also be at hand to welcome the guests while the lion dance troupe thrill the crowd.

Jointly organised by the Information, Communications and Culture Ministry, Kelana Jaya MCA and Sunway Pyamid, the event will be held at the main entrance of the shopping mall from 7.30pm to 10pm on Oct 3.

Kelana Jaya MCA chairman Ong Chong Swen hoped the cross-cultural event would foster closer ties between the people.

Lanterns galore: Ong (in brown suit) and Malam Mesra Raya Tanglung organising chairman Wong Kok Ken with some other members.

“We have heard of Gongxi Raya but this is probably the first time we are having Raya Tanglung,” she said.

While the highlight of the cultural performance will be the Chinese acrobatic performance by the Shanghai Chinese Acrobatic Group, other performances that will be staged include silat and wushu, and dance by pupils of SJK (C) Chee Wen.

Upon completing the lantern parade around and inside the shopping mall — for which the first 500 participants will be getting free lanterns from Sunway Pyramid — the guests would be treated to Chinese tea.

Children from Compassion Home and Rumah Amal Cahaya Tuanku Ampuan Rahimah in Subang Jaya will be invited to join in the fun.

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