Saturday, September 19, 2009

Yuswanis misses the Raya fireworks

What say you on the issue below?

EVERY year, busy Yuswanis Yusof makes it a point to return to her hometown in Seremban for Hari Raya Aidilfitri because of various reasons, not the least to eat the delicious food her grandparents make.

“I particularly love the lemang and ketupat from home because it’s made the traditional way,” Yuswanis, 34, a corporate communication and public relations senior manager said.

Of course, she also loves going home to catch up with family and friends as well as to please her elders who enjoy having the whole family back together especially for the celebrations.

Charming: Yuswanis is still a beauty after eight years of marriage and being a mum to a 14-month-old baby girl.

She said she usually went back on the last day of Ramadan and would help out at whichever household, either her husband’s family or hers, that needed more hands to finish preparing for the big day.

“I’m lucky both my parents’ and in-laws’ homes are close by so my family can spend equal amount of time at both places during the holidays,” Yuswanis said, adding that she usually stayed about one week.

She also said she was a last-minute shopper because her job demanded a lot of her time and also because she liked taking full advantage of the last-minute bargains to buy clothes and cookies.

“One thing I miss is playing with fireworks with my male cousins when we were young and it had not been banned yet,” Yuswanis said, adding that the fun was enough to make her continue playing with her cousins although she was often bullied.

What do you like about KL?

The never-ending food at any time of the day, the friendly people regardless of background and the improving service of our sales assistants.

What do you dislike about KL?

The traffic jam that threatens to make me late all the time.

What is your favourite food?

I generally love food but I particularly relish the basics like ulam and anything with santan in it like curry.

What do you do to relax?

I’ll go to any kind of spa except the fish spa.

What’s your favourite place to hang out?

Right now it is The Curve because it’s close to home and the variety of shops is great.

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