Friday, September 18, 2009

Timber companies call on groups to wait till probe ends

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KUCHING: Timber companies have called on groups not to pass judgment on any party before due process of the law is completed.

The Sarawak Timber Associa-tion (STA) feels its members have been unjustly blamed for the alleged sexual abuse of Penan girls and women by logging workers.

STA said the majority of logging companies and timber operators showed utmost respect for the culture and way of life of the Penans and other communities.

“STA firmly believes that neither the Penans nor any other community should be sexually exploited by any group,” it added in a press statement in response to the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry’s findings on alleged sexual abuses.

The ministry’s special committee investigating the alleged sexual offences confirmed that seven Penan girls and women in Baram were raped and molested.

The association said it viewed with grave concern the ministry’s findings as sexual abuse of any form was a violation of human rights.

It urged the police to promptly and thoroughly investigate the alleged offence. The association also urged the Penans to join the mainstream of society to provide them with a balanced development and better access to various amenities, like education.

“STA believes the logging companies will continue to complement the Government’s effort to raise the living standard of the Penan communities,” it added.

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