Thursday, November 10, 2011

Donations for Thai flood victims

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Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) presented a donation of RM50,000 to the Royal Thai Embassy in Malaysia recently in support of relief efforts by its Thai counterpart to help Thais affected by the heavy flooding which has devastated many parts of the country.

The money was presented to Thailand’s ambassador to Malaysia, Thana Duangratana, Minister Songsak Saicheua and First Secretary Romdej Phisalaphong by SGM deputy president Liu Cheng Choong and head of SGM’s public relations department, Katherine Chui.

For a good cause: From left: Raomdej, Songsak and Thana receiving the RM50,000 mock cheque from Liu and Chui.

Pupils of Tadika Seri Soka, which is an institution under SGM, also collected money for Thailand’s flood victims.

The RM11,546.12 collected by the children was also presented to the Thai Embassy.

The cheque was presented by its principal Lee Kah Poh, witnessed by administrator Wong Chee Nien, teachers Lim Ti Ying and Yap Wai Phaik, and pupils Arwena Padme Parameswaran, Amira Qistima and Josh Leong Wing Seong.

SGM is a non-governmental lay Buddhist organisation that actively promotes peace, culture and education through personal change and social contribution.

Through inner-directed reformation, SGM members hope to contribute to the betterment of their communities and build a society where people of diverse cultures and faiths can live in peace.

SGM has rendered humanitarian relief activities in response to natural disasters.

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