Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rawang residents infuriated with ongoing traffic conditions

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FRUSTRATED Rawang residents are urging the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) to get the Public Works Department (JKR) to look into potholes on the federal road from Rawang toll to Bandar Country Homes.

If there are no proper roads for better traffic management, how can we sustain traffic when Jusco is opened? - — G.GUNARAJ

Councillor G. Gunaraj said the deep and dangerous potholes had been on the road since last week, causing a bad traffic congestion over the weekend, which eventually got the residents committee to run a “tidal flow” traffic management system.

Gunaraj said the general traffic from Rawang to Batu Arang was always bad due to road conditions and the council was unable to do anything as it fell under JKR’s jurisdiction.

“Even now, the potholes are still there causing traffic problems and posing danger to motorists, especially motorcyclists. It is bad because it is a three-lane road — one lane heads to Rawang and the other two to Batu Arang.

“JKR should do something about it, and every meeting that is held to discuss these matters are not attended by JKR. It seems as if they are sabotaging us and we are fed up,” said Gunaraj during the MPS fullboard meeting yesterday.

He also voiced his concern over the Jusco shopping centre, which was scheduled to open on Dec 15 in that area.

“If there are no proper roads for better traffic management, how can we sustain traffic when Jusco is opened?

“The new bridge connecting Jusco to the main road is also not open to the public yet. It should be opened soon so only then would we know the traffic impact before the mall is opened.

“With so much development taking place in Rawang, we need to have proper roads,” said Gunaraj, questioning why the federal road widening project was taking so long.

Council president Zainal Abidin A’ala said MPS would call for a meeting with all related parties including resident representatives, councillor, JKR and the developer to look into the issue.

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