Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Old boys raise RM225,000 for Methodist Boys’ School, Sentul

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IN conjunction with the 75th anniversary of the Methodist Boys’ School, Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, a group of former students raised RM225,000 for the school at a gala dinner recently to celebrate the anniversary.

The grand affair, held at the HGH Convention Centre, Sentul was attended by some 900 guests including former and current teachers, as well as former and current students.

The monies will be used to support and assist programmes designed by the school to improve the students’ academic and sports performance and produce outstanding students. This will lead to a higher ranking of the school in the country.

The highlights of the evening included the launch of a 140 page book titled Special Edition-75th Anniversary Methodist Boys’ School, Sentul (1936-2011) which was dedicated to the first teacher, the late William Dudley, a special cake-cutting ceremony and entertainment by present and ex-students.

For old times’ sake: Ng Sik Kong from the 1st batch in 1936 leading the cake-cutting ceremony. On his right are Azman and Tan Koon Swan.

The night’s events were led by patron and chairman of the OBA Advisory Board, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and the Sentul MBS Old Boys’ Association/ Alumni (OBA).

Founded by the late Rev. Preston L Peach in 1936, the first batch of classes was started by Dudley with seven students. He was the first teacher and later principal.

Azman contributed RM100,000, while the Class of 1974, led by George Ho and Chiong Chee Kin contributed RM50,000.

The Class of 1976 led by Calvin Low Kiang Hoon and R. Nadarajan contributed RM50,000.

The OBA, several committee members and a few other old boys contributed RM20,000 while RM5,000 was collected from the guests and other old boys at the dinner.

OBA vice-president Calvin Low said: “This is the beginning of our fundraising exercise for the school as more ex-students are expected to contribute towards the OBA School Fund”.

Organising chairman, from the Class of 1968, Tajinder Singh, said the old Sentul was dominated by the Sentul Railway Quarters, Pekeliling flats and the surrounding villages.

MBS Sentul then served children from these vicinities. Over the past few decades, Sentul has undergone tremendous change and the school now has to cater for a new landscape.

The OBA is working closely with the school to assist current students improve their academic performance as well as to excel in sports and in co-curricular activities.

Azman, in his speech, said that the OBA was willing to fund additional classes at the school to ensure students strengthen their proficiency of the English Language.

On hand to speak about the book dedicated to his father William was Rueben Dudley an ex-student from the Class of 1957 and a former school captain.

Rueben recollected some of his father’s advice to the students at that time which were included in the Special Edition.

Gift from the heart: Azman (left) presenting a mock cheque for RM100,000 to school principal Ong Boon Puah.

One of William’s advice to students was: “You will, most likely, encounter difficulties, discouragement and hindrances in your endeavours. People might disappoint you when you need them the most; but try and find the few — very few, perhaps just one — whom you can count on to be helpful. Listen to those few, or just that one person, and follow what advice and guidance you receive”.

The Special Edition covers the school and its history, recording major milestones and historical facts relating to William and his involvement in the MBS Sentul.

MBS Sentul principal Ong Boon Puah also contributed an article titled “Challenges in MBS Sentul and the Way Forward”. Rueben Dudley also contributed a number of short articles.

To mark the 75th anniversary, Ng Sik Kong the oldest student from the 1936 batch led a special cake-cutting ceremony and toast.

Entertainment throughout the night was by the present and ex-students, again led by Azman who sang songs in Hindi, Chinese, Malay and English.

Others who performed that night was A. Radha Krishnan an old boy aka ‘The Black Stallion’, Yap Yew Kim former teacher and football coach, “Koolskool” led by Aznaff Hamazah and ‘Equinox” led by Rodin JS Kumar. There were also dances and other performances by the present students.

School principal Ong Boon Puah commended the ex-students for their commitment to their old school.

“It is a rare occasion when so many old boys come back to help their alma mater,” he said.

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