Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Foundation raises money to help the poor

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THERE was an air of festivity in the quiet little fishing town of Pantai Remis, Beruas when some 1,200 people made a beeline for a restaurant there last Sunday.

All this was for a good cause – to help the poor and the sick.

The event, a charity dinner, has topped up the 1MCA Medical Foundation with RM220,000 when MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek received the amount in a mock cheque presentation from Beruas MCA chief Datuk Ooi Jin Ting and other donors at the dinner.

Dr Chua, who spearheaded the fund more than a year ago, said many of the poor, who were sick, required immediate funds of a few thousand ringgit to undergo surgery or purchase medical supplies.

Raising funds: Dr Chua (third from right) receiving a mock cheque from Ooi (fourth from right) in the presence of party members and donors.

“During my 17 years of experience as a doctor, I had seen countless cases like this where immediate funds made available to the poor had actually helped lessen their burden.

“That was the goal in setting up the 1MCA Medical Foundation last year, to help these patients through tough struggles in their lives and to help them return to becoming productive members of society,” he said.

Dr Chua said the foundation was among the essential charities by the party to help Malaysians regardless of race.

He also reminded those present not to take the country’s unity and peace for granted.

“Currently, too many political, religious and racial issues have been raised, creating tension and straining the relationship among Malaysians,” he said.

Dr Chua pointed out that unity equated security and peace in the country, which ultimately translates to more development and a better future for everybody.

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