Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Assembly building springs a leak

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THE state legislative assembly sitting was briefly disrupted when the ceiling started leaking during a downpour.

Tanjung Bungah assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu, who was seated near the leak, was seen trying to collect the water in his right hand.

It was towards the end of the afternoon session and Speaker Datuk Abdul Halim Hussein annou-nced a half-hour break.

Seri Delima assemblyman R.S.N. Rayer said he also noticed the water dripping as he was debating.

Raindrops keep falling: Teh (foreground) showing the water dripping from the ceiling inside the state assembly hall.

Soon after the recess began at around 4.15pm, the dripping stopped.

Abdul Halim said initial investigations revealed that the leak was caused by water seeping through the roof, due to the strong wind and the roof’s design.

“We have asked the Public Works Department (JKR) to look into the matter, and rectification works will be carried out soon.

“The state assembly will carry on,” he said after an inspection with state JKR chief assistant director (architecture) Abdul Gaffar Abu.

In July 2008, a 3m-long cornice fell in the lobby near the main entrance. No one was hurt in the incident.

In 2005, the 19th century state legislative building underwent repairs as its cengal wood roof truss was termite-infested.

As repair works costing RM200,000 took about half a year, the state assembly sitting was temporarily housed at the Dewan Sri Pinang.

Between 2002 and 2004, nine minor repair works were carried out on the building at a total cost of RM275,000.

The works included fixing the leaking roof and damaged gutter, replacing faulty doors, and upgrading the facilities.

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