Thursday, November 24, 2011

‘Sick’ road widening project given until July to wrap up

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IT is still work in progress for one of the ‘sickest’ road projects in Penang — the upgrading of the road from Teluk Kumbar to Pekan Genting in Balik Pulau.

The authorities have again extended the completion deadline, which expires this month, to July next year.

This is believed to be the third extension for the new contractor after two extensions given earlier to the original contractor who later abandoned the project.

State Public Works, Utilities and Transportation Committee chairman Lim Hock Seng said the Public Works Department (PWD) granted extension to the contractor to complete remedial works.

Work in progress: A new section of the road under construction.

“There are several works that need to be carried out to remedy the leftover job by the previous contractor,” Lim said when contacted.

He said the current contractor had to conduct treatment works on the hillslope, perform underpinning of the retaining wall and also replace the anchoring bars which had been stolen.

He said 1.6km stretch of the road was opened to the public on Sept 20.

“The remaining 1.7km is scheduled to be completed by July next year,” he said.

The completed section opened to motorists, offering more lanes for a comfortable and safer ride

It was reported that there had been repeated delays in the completion of the RM57mil project which is funded by the Federal Government.

The project started in April 2005 and was supposed to be completed in two years.

But the original contractor abandoned the project in March 2008 citing escalating costs of building materials and shortage of labour.

The authorities then appointed Sarahon Construction Sdn Bhd, a Class A bumiputra contractor from Sarawak, to complete the project in May last year. The cost of the revived package is RM42.05mil.

The project is aimed at halving the travelling time of 30 minutes between Teluk Kumbar and Pekan Genting with the 4.5km distance being reduced to 3.3km.

Six bridges are being constructed to cut off road bends that will make the passage safer and shorter.

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