Monday, September 26, 2011

Pahang favourites

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PAHANG is the largest state in Peninsula Malaysia and is situated in the eastern coastal region.

The cuisines of Pahang were influenced by the Indians, Chinese and Arabs, who came as traders during the busy spice trade days.

In later years, culinary influences brought about by western colonisation, first by the Portuguese, then the Dutch and finally by the British, added further variety and style to the local cuisines.

Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak is a popular traditional dish.

Pahang food features a lot of seafood. From its rivers and lakes come the fresh water fish such as the patin fish(silver catfish).

One of the most famous dishes in Pahang is Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak. This a traditional dish, popular in the inland riverine areas where the patin fish (silver catfish) is found in abundance especially in the Pahang river.

Nasi Kebuli is another favourite from this region. The rice is cooked with coconut oil and chicken. Sometimes lamb or mutton is used instead of chicken. It is usually served during special occasions such as weddings, Maulidur Rasul and the opening or cleansing of a silat.

A kampung dish called Opor Daging is another traditional dish. The main ingredients of this dish are durian paste, chilli, lemongrass, tamarind paste, herbs, coconut milk and selection of river fish.

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